Home of the Thomas A. Edison High School Bands
The Bands of Thomas A. Edison High School have a proud tradition of excellence and achievement. The success of our program lies in the determination, hard work, and talent of our students and staff, as well as the support of our families and friends.
Current Students and Their Families
This site is a resource for Edison band staff, students, and families regardless of ensemble. This site is maintained by the Edison Band Parents Organization (EBPO) who can be reached at ebpo@edisonband.org. Please subscribe to our email list! It is the primary way that the EBPO communicates about program updates, event details, and EBPO meetings.
Volunteer opportunities
Are you looking for a way to help out? Use these links to learn about our Volunteer opportunities and EBPO volunteer leadership.
The Edison Band Parents Organization ("EBPO") is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with Tax ID # 54-1410151. Contributions to EBPO are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Upcoming Events: Please refer to our calendar below for upcoming events. Additional details may also be provided by our Band Director, Mr. Mitchell, via email.
Mar. 11: EBPO Meeting
Mar. 20-21: Band Trip to NYC
Mar. 22: Winter Guard - Competition (Mount Vernon)
Mar. 29: Winter Guard - Competition (Hampton Coliseum)
Thank-you for supporting the Edison HS Bands Program!
Please click on the button below to donate.